How to Efficiently Handle Sparse Files with tar

How to Efficiently Handle Sparse Files with tar

Sparse files are files that contain empty blocks, which can take up less disk space. To efficiently create and manage backups of sparse files, you can use the tar command with the --sparse option. Here's a quick guide on how to do this.

Creating a Backup of Sparse Files

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Run the following command:

    tar cvSf file.tar.bz2 sparsefile
    • c: Create a new archive.
    • v: Verbose output (optional, shows progress).
    • S: Handle sparse files.
    • f: Specify the output file.
    • file.tar.bz2: The name of your archive.
    • sparsefile: The sparse file you want to back up.

Decompressing the Backup

To restore the sparse files from your backup, follow these steps:

  1. In your terminal, run:

    tar xSf file.tar.bz2
    • x: Extract files from the archive.
    • S: Handle sparse files during extraction.
    • f: Specify the archive file.


Using tar with the --sparse option is an effective way to back up and restore sparse files while minimizing disk space usage. By following the commands above, you can easily manage your sparse file backups.


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